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  • Writer's pictureTyson Jacob

2 Important Questions when Hiring an Electrician

Updated: Jun 13, 2020

Many of us enjoy doing DIY projects. Some are successful, some are not. Doing Electrical DIY projects are probably not the best idea, since there are certain outcomes that are not ideal. No one likes burnt outlets, or burnt fingers!! So what are the 2 most important questions when hiring an Electrician, whether it's a small job or a big one.

Are they Licensed, Bonded, and Insured?

A licensed electrician pulls permits, gets inspections, makes sure all the work is done per Code. This means that liability insurance and homeowner’s insurance are more likely to pay out in the event that something bad happens on the job or after a job has been done. Being licensed means that the electrician will work according to the safety guidelines stipulated by the National Electrical Code. A bond guarantees that the contractor will comply with state requirements that protect the public. A bonded and insured electrical contractor means the public is protected from any fraud or misconduct imposed by the electrician. While this does not mean that an unlicensed electrician isn’t safe, it just means they have nothing to lose if they're not.

Do they offer any warranty or guarantee ?

This is a good indication immediately that you have a good electrician helping you. If they believe in their workmanship, ability, and preciseness so much to offer this, then you most definitely should too.

Other common things to consider with any purchase are value for your money, recommendations, experience, communication, and a good attitude. A good Electrician will give you suggestions, to help you get the best results. They will treat your home and property with the same respect and care as they would their own.

So when you are looking to have electrical work done, don’t forget to ask these 2 important questions. In the long run, spending those few extra dollars for quality workmanship and security is definitely worth it.

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